Friday, March 6, 2009

Oh, hey, it's Friday

Today was enjoyable. No Friday classes on account of a wedding at the church, so we were able to stay at Food Net and help out more than usual. We went to Mahoney State Park to meet up with Jasper and Isaac and their families. It's so beautiful up there, and I think everybody had a good time playing. Ah, friends.

I had fun talking to Jen and Beth about possibilities for Friday classes next year. Jen wants to teach a PE or tumbling class, and also a class consisting entirely of science experiments. There will be more space for all kinds of classes, and people will be able to leave their stuff there, and like the drama class could build sets.

We went to hear a singer and storyteller, Jack Gladstone, at the Ponca Center. He's part-Native American and part Irish. He played guitar and sang and talked, and it was cool. We saw Renee and Amber, and Renee is talking about collaborating with Jack to write some lyrics for his music. I think Charlotte was kind of worn out, but Will got a lot of out it I think. He's said it felt like it lasted only 15 minutes, so that's a good sign I think.

The Ponca Center is in this great building that looks like a Swiss chalet. There's a great big main room with a huge fireplace, and HUGE dreamcatcher hanging above it.

I friended Bob Kerrey on Facebook, and he asked about "extreme homeschooling." I feel a little silly that I sent him the blog link -- really just to show a picture of a gnu. Our school is "extreme" in the sense that it's extremely just exactly what we want it to be. He's the president of the New School in New York. It's fun to have a brush with fame. I've always liked him.

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